Clemson, SC - 00 Old Jewell Bridge Road
Lots and Land: Farm

Clemson, SC - 00 Mitchell Avenue
Lots and Land: Residential
0.690 Acres

Central, SC - Tract B Pike Road
Lots and Land: Other

Central, SC - Tract A Pike Road
Lots and Land: Residential

Westminster, SC - 150 Indian Hills Drive Drive
Chickasaw Point
Lots and Land: Residential
0.570 Acres

Seneca, SC - Lot 7 Paramount Drive
Sunset Ridge On Radisson
Lots and Land: Residential
1.820 Acres

Clemson, SC - 00 Stephens Road
Lots and Land: Residential

Pendleton, SC - Lot 1 Crenshaw Street
Crenshaw Height
Lots and Land: Residential
0.190 Acres

Pendleton, SC - Lot 3 Crenshaw Street
Crenshaw Height
Lots and Land: Residential
0.130 Acres